- Tara


“Thank you Tara for everything you did for me. You created such a warm and safe space to begin my healing and spiritual journey. Words can’t express how much the experience meant to me and how much of an impact it made on my life. I am so thankful for you and that our paths crossed, I know they were meant to... thank you for helping change my life. ”

— Gabrielle, New Mexico

Who is Tara and why can she help?


Step into the depths of your soul through an unforgettable journey with Tara.

Well renowned for her work with Psilocybin and plant healing, Tara offers a sacred space for those who are ready to do the deep work. As a former Paramedic, who has overcome her own struggles with PTSD, anxiety and depression, she didn’t even know how deep her pain was, until she dove into her own journey of self healing. Through experience she understands the depths of suffering that hold us back from our true self and living our best life.

Using many modalities, Tara will be able to help you find inner peace, release old trauma and any fears or behaviours that no longer serve you. Moving you into a state of being of living in your authentic and truth.



(Certified Natural Health Practitioner,

Certified Clinical Hypnotist,

Primary Care Paramedic)

Tara has devoted her life

using her personal and career experiences to help others overcome their own traumas. It started with predominantly physical traumas, working as a Paramedic for 9 years, after obtaining her diploma and a license to practice in Ontario, Canada.

She studied 3 years in Clinical Psychology at the University of Calgary and has obtained certifications as a Natural Health Practitioner and Clinical Hypnotist. After completing her 3rd year in University, her life took an unforeseen path after being involved in a car accident that almost claimed her life. She was left bed ridden and then wheelchair bound for months, with multiple internal injuries. After her miraculous recovery that left doctors baffled, she felt deeply called to enter into the medical field as a first responder.

Through her work as a Paramedic, she found herself in the face of life and death on a daily basis. Her career took her to remote native reserves, places only accessed by plane or train, then to the aftermath of the 2010 Earthquakes in Haiti, where she witnessed horrific human devastation.

During the span of her 9 years in the field, she experienced her own significant traumas both mentally and physically, from direct infectious disease exposures to a back injury that left her suffering for 3 years without relief and then finally Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). All the while experiencing paralleled relationship heartbreaks and betrayals, family dynamics riddled with addictions, domestic abuse and mental health, she was thrown into the depth of her own darkness, leading her through her own internal growth and transformation.

With this new lens to see through, Tara felt compelled to help people in a far deeper and more significant way. She took on a role as a Holistic Mental Health and Addictions facility, which showed her first hand how powerful whole-body holistic healing is for the mind. The Pivotal turning point for Tara and her understanding of emotional and physical wellbeing, was while on a self healing journey to Tulum Mexico, where she was met with a life changing experience with Psilocybin therapy. This therapy offered her a deep sense of self for the first time and a feeling of peace that she had never experienced before. In 2020, she aligned herself with Therapsil, a non-profit organization, based in Victoria BC, advocating for Psilocybin therapy for terminal patients suffering from end-of-life distress. She was part of the team that worked on getting the first legal access to Psilocybin for these patients in Canada. 

Simultaneously, she began her training with a Mexican mushroom healer, learning how to use the medicine in a very therapeutic and traditional way. She is now the Founder of Arcadia Healing Sanctum, a Psilocybin and emotional healing center for the mind, body and spirit.